Porch package piracy is on the rise, and those pirate people hit me the day before Christmas. The driver never knocked, never followed the instructions that I left on the merchants website, or on the door (knock, and if no answer, put packages over the fence). The driver didn't follow any instructions at all. No, and I am certain of it, because I was waiting, inside & by the door. Then, the delivery driver sent me a snapshot of the packages he, or she, had quietly placed- and left. Once I had gotten the text with the picture, I hurried outside, of my apartment, to find nothing by my door & fence. Nothing but a bunch of people milling around nearby, and looking every which way but my way- as if to nonverbally say, "I see nothing, I know nothing." After that, I called the merchant, and told them what had happened, they not only reimbursed me- they gave me a gift card. It all worked out in the end, and I was able to not only replace the gifts that I had purchased for my children, and grandchild, but they gave me a little extra- for myself. So, piracy aside, I had a Merry Christmas. A crazy end, to the crazy year- 2020. Here is a crazy cartoon that I made to commemorate this event, because it's funny how it all worked out wonderfully at Christmastime.
https://dorothysisco.wixsite.com/inspiration/, https://dleonardisisco.blogspot.com/, http://specials4all.blogspot.com/, https://holidaysavings4all.blogspot.com/, http://blogable4u.blogspot.com/, https://dorothyleonardi-sisco.blogspot.com/, http://mybigsavings.blogspot.com/ AND http://wikiwacki.blogspot.com/