Having health concerns, or problems, can be a depressing thing, especially if you have to spend long periods of time alone, or in bed. Depression is treatable, and you can talk to your doctor about it. Group therapy is a great way to remind you that you are not alone in your misery - plenty of people are wrestling with depression. Some depressions are chemical, i.e. major depression and clinical depression, but there's also justifiable depression, and seasonal depression; whereby some things, and situations, are justifiably sad. When I try to ignore the sadness, it surfaces at night, and I cry in my sleep. It's a problem, in more ways than one, because my pillow gets drenched, and I either end up with a cold in my neck muscles (stiff neck), or an ear ache from tears in my ears. I have used traditional medicine, and therapy, as well as alternative medicine, and therapy, so I know that there are things that actually work to treat depression. In the 90's, I visited a Chinese market, here in Sacramento, where Dr. He had an office set up inside the store, to counsel people, as well as prescribe and administer herbs, and other apothecary dietary supplements. Dr. He gave me some great advice, he said "Don't worry- be funny. You be funny - you be happy, you be healthy, you be younger, and live longer." He then told me to go to the library and read about humor, and funny things. Thank you, Dr. He, for your advice.
Here are some helpful links that I have visited, and some books I've read on "Humor": https://www.youtube.com/watchv=9WzVMZunzaM, http://www.thinctanc.co.uk/words/comedy.htm, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l_Jtcb_QZvY, AND http://tinyurl.com/port6r7
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Here are some helpful links that I have visited, and some books I've read on "Humor": https://www.youtube.com/watchv=9WzVMZunzaM, http://www.thinctanc.co.uk/words/comedy.htm, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l_Jtcb_QZvY, AND http://tinyurl.com/port6r7