Create An Enchanted Wonderful Life

  Before my amnesia, if someone were to ask me if there were any good things about amnesia, I would have said 'no, amnesia is a devistating thing', or something like that; however, living through amnesiac moments, changes things.  For instance, I just watched, "It's a Wonderful Life" the (1946) Christmas movie, starring James Stewart, Donna Reed, Lionel Barrymore, Thomas Mitchell, Beulah Bondi, Henry Travers, and a whole bunch of other great American actors, and it was like I was watching it for the very first time (although I had seen it before the head injury).  After the TBI (that led to amnesia), I always put off watching movies, because I had felt that getting back to my life, and doing therapeutic things, were more important things to do, other than watching movies.  Now, I have the time to watch movies, and "It's a Wonderful Life" was a great, inspirational, movie to watch.  It accents the virtue of giving.   Supernatural events occur in an, enchanted, American small town, making the main characters, more, enchanting.  That's my, personal, take on the movie.  My takeaway from watching it is this: there are villainous people, who do villainous things, but there are many more good people, doing good things, and the good things outweigh the evilbad, things.  Personally, I would  rather focus on the good, the loving, and the wonderful things, in this world, because thinking about the bad things, and the villains, is waste of time.  Life's too short for that nonsense, and nothing, bad, happens until it happens.  Then, the adult thing to do is to 'deal with it'.  Until then, it's up to me how I'll live this life, moment to moment.  It's my life, and my choices.  I could choose to sulk about the things I can not change, and dwell on the hateful things that this world presents to human beings, or I can choose not to.   Subsequently, I will be working towards helping to create my own lovely little, enchanted, dimension of reality within my life.  This sounds like a lot of work, for me, but I'm looking forward to beginning that adventure.  It will be like training for a marathon, and it's doable.  You can get the 1946 movie "It's a Wonderful Life" at Amazon,  just select the movie image below, to be transferred to that department.   Another old movie about an enchanted life, that I enjoyed watching, is called "The Enchanted Cottage".