FAITH, HOPE & LOVE FOR CHRISTMAS Snow falls on the Christmas lights, in Northern Arizona. The lights show off the sign "The Chalet Rest Home". It's Christmas Eve night, and the market next door to the rest home is bustling with last minute shoppers. There are 2 men & 15 shoppers- with one of the men behind the counter looking at his watch, while syncing it to the time on the market's wall clock. Joey, his coworker, is working the cash register, and glimpses over to catch him glaring at his watch. "Hey- Bobby?! Going somewhere- maybe got a hot date?", and Bobby chuckles to himself. "Not exactly, it's more of a meeting. Set up by my Mother- to visit my Grandmother next door.", "Well then, go on", says Joe "I can hold down the fort for a couple of minutes. Take your break early, then go back on your other break." "Yeah- hey good idea. My Mom will like that- play by play reporting about her Mother-in-law. Since my Dad died, they've become close." Bobby starts toward the door & with a wave and a hearty "Thanks Joey!"- Joey shouts back "Tell her Joe says 'Hello, and Merry Christmas". Bobby heads out of the market flashing a thumbs up sign at Joe. Within minutes, Bobby is at the nurses station, inside the rest home, "Um, hello- excuse me!?" Catching the eye of one of the older nurses, Bobby asks "Do you have the room number for Edith Gunter? She's my Grandmother." The nurse smiles and says "Oh, she's in room one-eleven." Bobby thanks her, and heads off to find room 111. He finds the room, opens the door slowly & spots an elderly woman sitting in a chair. The chair & woman are bathed in moonlight- creating a glow in the dark kind of effect. Bobby starts to approach her saying "Gramma, it's me Bobby". She doesn't reply, but instead she raises her arm- pointing to the bed & stares at the bed. Bobby looks at the bed, and notices that his Gramma is in the bed. Quickly, he looks back to the woman on the chair, who is no longer there, or anywhere else in the room- anymore. He shakes his head, as if in disbelief, and then rushes to his Grandmother's side saying "Gramma wake up!". Bobby takes her hand "Oh my God you're ice cold. Gramma wake up. Nurse!" Bobby yells for a nurse & then runs out into the hall "Help me- I mean us- we need help!" The elderly nurse who had greeted him earlier- hears him & calls to the other nurses "Grab the crash-cart!", as she hurries to catch up with Bobby. Minutes pass, then finally- the nurse checking Edith's pulse calls out "There's a pulse, I got a pulse". Eagerly, Bobby stands up from the chair at the foot of the bed- near the window. He sighs, with a breath of relief, saying "Oh thank God". Soon after- the elderly nurse approaches Bobby & says, "Your Grandmother needs to rest, I'll keep an eye on her. She's my oldest friend from high school- we're like sisters. You're a hero," then gesturing a hug, she steps in for the hug. Bobby steps back saying "I'm not a hugger". He quickly offers her his right hand saying, with a smile, "here- hug this". After the handshake, they both draw nearer to Edith, now sleeping comfortably & breathing easily on her own.