A grief counselor once told me- that when I miss someone I've lost, then I should write them a letter, or talk to them out loud. Honestly, it does help.
Dear Mom, I miss the sound of your beautiful voice. I miss you. You are forever in my heart & thoughts. There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t think of you. You were my rock, my confidante, my best friend, and most importantly- my Mother. You taught me how to survive, and instilled within me an unshakable gentle strength. You loved me first, I love you now, loved you then & way back when, and I know that I'll love you forever. You called me your “darling daughter” & nicknamed me Door-T & then Dort. Dort meant “Dort the Sport”, which made reference to my being a good sport (having to grow up with 5 brothers, and no sisters). I will, someday, meet up with you in heaven Mom & and thank you for being my Mom.π✝️ππͺ¦πSincerely, your darling daughter, Dort (Dorothy). P.S. Here are 23 of your favorites.
Aromatherapy- it works, because I had a brain injury with amnesia & I can attest to that fact. The injury happened in 2001. I still have glitches, but every-single-day I get stronger & remember more about things, people, and myself. Scents definitely trigger memories. The funny thing about amnesia- is that it's the traumatic stuff that has happened to me, in my past, that came back first. My life has been full of traumatic stuff. Now I see all of those things, not as "bad", but as necessary for my future self to survive.
In the (educational) video "Missing 411: The Hunted", there is a part called: "Chapter 5 ThePreditor Case of Lima, Ohio", where former police detective David Paulides visits with Dr. Bruce Maccabee & his wife Jan Maccabee. Jan is a seasoned hunter, and she tells about a place on her property where she frequents, and it's called "Jan's Deerstand", in the film. There, she positions herself during the hunting season- to hunt. She tells a story about something that happened a couple of days into deer hunting season, and what she encounters, but she doesn't exactly know what it was- so she can't thoroughly explain it. After it happens, she doesn't even say anything about it to anyone, until someone mentions something about a UFO sighting that happened at the local high school, where there were 30+ witnesses. Maybe she was made to forget about it. Also, the UFO sighting happens around the same time that she sees something she had never seen before. For me, it's very hard to describe something that is new, or foreign, and having more of a nondescript nature, but she does a good job of explaining what happened on that unforgettable day. She hunts deer on her land, and she probably expected to see wildlife, but what she saw that day was completely out of place. So, she is in her deerstand, and all settled in, with her bow & arrow. Her eyesight is keen, her hearing is keen, but she can't hear birds or anthing else, because it's suddenly "dead quiet". Jan is off of the ground. about 14-15 feet, in a deerblind. And as she's looking out, there's something in her line of sight- & it's a "thing in the trees". Thinking it was a "mote" in her eye, she rubs her eye, but the thing is still there. She then goes on to explain how the "thing in the trees" looked to her, "like a large piece of Saran Wrap". Whatever it was that Jan Maccabee saw, it had form & mass, but seemed to be invisible, or cloaked. In the film, Jan also says, "it moved and formed the arm that reached over to the other tree...then it all, like a blob...went to a whole other tree...moving through the woods...."
Porch package piracy is on the rise, and those pirate people hit me the day before Christmas. The driver never knocked, never followed the instructions that I left on the merchants website, or on the door (knock, and if no answer, put packages over the fence). The driver didn't follow any instructions at all. No, and I am certain of it, because I was waiting, inside & by the door. Then, the delivery driver sent me a snapshot of the packages he, or she, had quietly placed- and left. Once I had gotten the text with the picture, I hurried outside, of my apartment, to find nothing by my door & fence. Nothing but a bunch of people milling around nearby, and looking every which way but my way- as if to nonverbally say, "I see nothing, I know nothing." After that, I called the merchant, and told them what had happened, they not only reimbursed me- they gave me a gift card. It all worked out in the end, and I was able to not only replace the gifts that I had purchased for my children, and grandchild, but they gave me a little extra- for myself. So, piracy aside, I had a Merry Christmas.A crazy end, to the crazy year- 2020. Here is a crazy cartoon that I made to commemorate this event, because it's funny how it all worked out wonderfully at Christmastime.
In this comic: It seems that the focus is on the women. One woman is asking the question, and the other is answering the question. Then, the men break out in laughter, because of the woman's reply.
In this next comic: One man is talking to another man, while the women are quietly discussing their own personal conversation,
The 2 frames are made into a comic strip (below), and it seems like the man & woman (to your right) are both comical people.
Are there UFO's, USO's & π½π½? Here is a 1 minute video that might help answer that question, or it might not- it's up to you to decide. Personally, I consider this all "entertainment"; however, I do have my own "beyond belief" stories to tell- someday.
That's me (in 2 of those pictures below), and I really did look like that, and I walked around like that all day. My daughter Sarah, and I, went shopping together, and we just wanted to get what we needed - and then get out of the pharmacy & grocery stores, mainly because of the coronavirus. In our travels to two stores, and a pharmacy, I saw, only, one other person with a surgical mask on. They didn't have it over their face - it was hanging off their ears, and under their jaw. And that person was being quite the social butterfly. The face mask seemed to be a conversation starter, for the person wearing the mask, but not for me. In my case, people were quickly moving away from me: however, in the last grocery store, just when I thought that I'd made it through unscathed- this happened: The a cashier said (out loud & to nobody in particular, " Hey, look it's "Michael" - back from the dead!", to which I quickly replied, "Thanks! Michael Jackson was a great artist, but it wasn't my intention to look like him, I'm at high risk for the coronavirus." The cashier embarrassingly said, "M'am, I am so sorry!" And then, that same person called over a co-worker (not even a heartbeat later), and said to them- "It's Michael! Right?", while pointing at me. My daughter was nowhere to be seen, still browsing around the store, so I just stood there, in the checkout line - alone, with the line behind me way-way long (by now), and 8 feet back- away from me. The co-worker stood motionless, just staring at me, like I was a human magic eye stereogram. After what seemed like a really long time, the co-worker's face lit up like a Christmas tree, as they exclaimed, "Oh yeah - now I see it!" Surprisingly, nothing anyone said, or didn't say to me, mattered. And I'm probably going to wear the same headgear the next time I'm out. In fact, until there's a vaccine, or no longer a pandemic, I will probably be wearing more antivirus protective gear - in the near future. You can read more about the coronavirus here: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/index.html Also today, I found out that a bishop who recently met with the Pope, has tested positive for the coronavirus, and had it while visiting with the Pope. You can read more here: https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/coronavirus-hits-french-bishop-who-met-with-pope-francis-while-infected God bless everybody. Stay healthy.☮π