πŸ‘‰πŸ»Wine and Cheese Couples Food Hats



I call this "Doves & Bats", and I was inspired by artist M.C. Escher's, "Angels and Devils", artwork.
 More about art imitating art here:  AND HERE:

Art Imitates Life

The newest art projects, of mine, were inspired by past & present events. I created this artwork, called "Alien vs Prickly Pear Cactus". In the artwork, the alien is looking at at a prickly pear cactus, because the alien fell into it. There aren't any needles (spines) on the cactus, in the image, because the needles are now in the alien.
                                          Then, I featured it in this, very short, video:   
President Donald Trump, and his talk about the wall, has triggered memories of an actual event, in my life. I'm not complaining, because I choose to watch the news, and listen to the radio. Anyway- I made this short video, because those memories, are memories of me falling off a wall in my own backyard, and landing in the neighbors huge prickly pear cactus bed. Vivid reenactment scenes of that day, have been playing in my head. Those needles were really long, and I let out a, blood curdling, scream. The world spun around, and the sky lit up, like a night sky on the Fourth of July. By the time my family got me into the house, the wide open front door was riddled with looky-loo neighbors. I yelled out, "Shut the door!", and eventually made it to a doctor. Longest ride of my life. Half of me in the front, and the other half of me in the back. I had to slump forward, over the front seat of the family car, because my backside was covered in prickly pear cactus needles. I'd like to take this opportunity to give a shout out to my Mom,πŸ“£thank you Mom, for keeping calm throughout that whole ordeal.πŸ’– You're the best!πŸ† My Mom was the driver that day, because I was, only, 5 years old.πŸš—πŸ˜±          

Art Therapy, It Works For Me

I added a few more art pieces to my "Flickr" site. Not many, just a few.  Finishing something that I started, in 2018,πŸ‘ ✔ that's monumental,  for me😊. Here are some of those art pieces.

Create An Enchanted Wonderful Life

  Before my amnesia, if someone were to ask me if there were any good things about amnesia, I would have said 'no, amnesia is a devistating thing', or something like that; however, living through amnesiac moments, changes things.  For instance, I just watched, "It's a Wonderful Life" the (1946) Christmas movie, starring James Stewart, Donna Reed, Lionel Barrymore, Thomas Mitchell, Beulah Bondi, Henry Travers, and a whole bunch of other great American actors, and it was like I was watching it for the very first time (although I had seen it before the head injury).  After the TBI (that led to amnesia), I always put off watching movies, because I had felt that getting back to my life, and doing therapeutic things, were more important things to do, other than watching movies.  Now, I have the time to watch movies, and "It's a Wonderful Life" was a great, inspirational, movie to watch.  It accents the virtue of giving.   Supernatural events occur in an, enchanted, American small town, making the main characters, more, enchanting.  That's my, personal, take on the movie.  My takeaway from watching it is this: there are villainous people, who do villainous things, but there are many more good people, doing good things, and the good things outweigh the evilbad, things.  Personally, I would  rather focus on the good, the loving, and the wonderful things, in this world, because thinking about the bad things, and the villains, is waste of time.  Life's too short for that nonsense, and nothing, bad, happens until it happens.  Then, the adult thing to do is to 'deal with it'.  Until then, it's up to me how I'll live this life, moment to moment.  It's my life, and my choices.  I could choose to sulk about the things I can not change, and dwell on the hateful things that this world presents to human beings, or I can choose not to.   Subsequently, I will be working towards helping to create my own lovely little, enchanted, dimension of reality within my life.  This sounds like a lot of work, for me, but I'm looking forward to beginning that adventure.  It will be like training for a marathon, and it's doable.  You can get the 1946 movie "It's a Wonderful Life" at Amazon,  just select the movie image below, to be transferred to that department.   Another old movie about an enchanted life, that I enjoyed watching, is called "The Enchanted Cottage".