Sometimes, it's best to just do it yourself, when throwing together an outfit to wear.


 πŸ‘‰πŸ»Wine and Cheese Couples Food Hats



I call this "Doves & Bats", and I was inspired by artist M.C. Escher's, "Angels and Devils", artwork.
 More about art imitating art here:  AND HERE:

Art Imitates Life

The newest art projects, of mine, were inspired by past & present events. I created this artwork, called "Alien vs Prickly Pear Cactus". In the artwork, the alien is looking at at a prickly pear cactus, because the alien fell into it. There aren't any needles (spines) on the cactus, in the image, because the needles are now in the alien.
                                          Then, I featured it in this, very short, video:   
President Donald Trump, and his talk about the wall, has triggered memories of an actual event, in my life. I'm not complaining, because I choose to watch the news, and listen to the radio. Anyway- I made this short video, because those memories, are memories of me falling off a wall in my own backyard, and landing in the neighbors huge prickly pear cactus bed. Vivid reenactment scenes of that day, have been playing in my head. Those needles were really long, and I let out a, blood curdling, scream. The world spun around, and the sky lit up, like a night sky on the Fourth of July. By the time my family got me into the house, the wide open front door was riddled with looky-loo neighbors. I yelled out, "Shut the door!", and eventually made it to a doctor. Longest ride of my life. Half of me in the front, and the other half of me in the back. I had to slump forward, over the front seat of the family car, because my backside was covered in prickly pear cactus needles. I'd like to take this opportunity to give a shout out to my Mom,πŸ“£thank you Mom, for keeping calm throughout that whole ordeal.πŸ’– You're the best!πŸ† My Mom was the driver that day, because I was, only, 5 years old.πŸš—πŸ˜±          

Art Therapy, It Works For Me

I added a few more art pieces to my "Flickr" site. Not many, just a few.  Finishing something that I started, in 2018,πŸ‘ ✔ that's monumental,  for me😊. Here are some of those art pieces.

Create An Enchanted Wonderful Life

  Before my amnesia, if someone were to ask me if there were any good things about amnesia, I would have said 'no, amnesia is a devistating thing', or something like that; however, living through amnesiac moments, changes things.  For instance, I just watched, "It's a Wonderful Life" the (1946) Christmas movie, starring James Stewart, Donna Reed, Lionel Barrymore, Thomas Mitchell, Beulah Bondi, Henry Travers, and a whole bunch of other great American actors, and it was like I was watching it for the very first time (although I had seen it before the head injury).  After the TBI (that led to amnesia), I always put off watching movies, because I had felt that getting back to my life, and doing therapeutic things, were more important things to do, other than watching movies.  Now, I have the time to watch movies, and "It's a Wonderful Life" was a great, inspirational, movie to watch.  It accents the virtue of giving.   Supernatural events occur in an, enchanted, American small town, making the main characters, more, enchanting.  That's my, personal, take on the movie.  My takeaway from watching it is this: there are villainous people, who do villainous things, but there are many more good people, doing good things, and the good things outweigh the evilbad, things.  Personally, I would  rather focus on the good, the loving, and the wonderful things, in this world, because thinking about the bad things, and the villains, is waste of time.  Life's too short for that nonsense, and nothing, bad, happens until it happens.  Then, the adult thing to do is to 'deal with it'.  Until then, it's up to me how I'll live this life, moment to moment.  It's my life, and my choices.  I could choose to sulk about the things I can not change, and dwell on the hateful things that this world presents to human beings, or I can choose not to.   Subsequently, I will be working towards helping to create my own lovely little, enchanted, dimension of reality within my life.  This sounds like a lot of work, for me, but I'm looking forward to beginning that adventure.  It will be like training for a marathon, and it's doable.  You can get the 1946 movie "It's a Wonderful Life" at Amazon,  just select the movie image below, to be transferred to that department.   Another old movie about an enchanted life, that I enjoyed watching, is called "The Enchanted Cottage".       

It helps to have a trustworthy few in life, to gain, a healthier, perspective on life.

When this photo was taken, I had no problems socializing, back then, and I was more resilient, but now it takes me awhile to bounce back. My memories are coming back, slowly, but surely. The most traumatic times seem to be the memories that are coming back first, and they're vivid. Time, social immersion (via the internet), family, and friends are helping to fill in the missing pieces of a "whole picture" puzzle. I would have never said this, before the TBI, but I am so glad that my life has been made up of traumatic events. I needed to jump one hurdle after another, to instill in me the tools, experiences, and skills I would need to cope, persevere, and not give up in difficult times.  Amnesia, is one of those things that is a life changer, and it skewed my perspective on life. I'm, still working on getting back 100%.  Relearning things gets boring, and it's hard to just "fit in".  It's hard for one to exude credibility, when one keeps going back to the past, just to be able to go forward into the future. Especially, when going through a life changing event.  I'm lucky that I've always had people in my life, who have wanted to help me be my healthiest, and most effective self.  Today, I could hold a PhD, and still have a zero credibility rating, because I was a head injury patient, had amnesia, and still suffer with with the residual effects of that injury. So, I am constantly working on improving my social credibility, and approachability. Personally, in my situation, credentials and degrees, don't matter.  Skills, experiences, and meaningful conversations, are more important than a diploma, and a diploma is just a piece of paper anyway.  I'm an artist, a writer, and I publish my own work. It's easy for me, and therapeutic. Hard work for me - is socializing with people. I'm always practicing being in the now, and when memories do come back, I write them down, and sometimes I share. The one most important thing I'd like to share is that it's important to have people in your life, who you can trust, and are happy to help put things in perpective, by offering you a different point of view. Everday I work at getting better, at socializing, and accepting things that I have never had control over, past, or present, and I'm hopeful, thanks to the trustworthy few in my life. HERE ARE SOME INTERESTING READS ON AMAZON: The Urantia Book: A Revelation for Humanity <LINK   
   Our Ultimate Refuge: Job and the Problem of Suffering (Signature Collection) Kindle Edition <LINK

 My Utmost for His Highest Kindle Edition  <LINK

"Don't worry - be funny..."

Having health concerns, or problems, can be a depressing thing, especially if you have to spend long periods of time alone, or in bed. Depression is treatable, and you can talk to your doctor about it.  Group therapy is a great way to remind you that you are not alone in your misery - plenty of people are wrestling with depression. Some depressions are chemical, i.e. major depression and clinical depression, but there's also justifiable depression, and seasonal depression; whereby some things, and situations, are justifiably sad.  When I try to ignore the sadness, it surfaces at night, and I cry in my sleep.  It's a problem, in more ways than one, because my pillow gets drenched, and I either end up with a cold in my neck muscles (stiff neck), or an ear ache from tears in my ears. I have used traditional medicine, and therapy, as well as alternative medicine, and therapy, so I know that there are things that actually work to treat depression.   In the 90's, I visited a Chinese market, here in Sacramento, where Dr. He had an office set up inside the store, to counsel people, as well as prescribe and administer herbs, and other apothecary dietary supplements.  Dr. He gave me some great advice, he said "Don't worry- be funny. You be funny - you be happy, you be healthy, you be younger, and live longer."  He then told me to go to the library and read about humor, and funny things. Thank you, Dr. He, for your advice. 
Here are some helpful links that I have visited, and some books I've read on "Humor":, AND


 > >  AND>

I'm Saddened By The Death Of Robin Williams, But Comforted By Learning More About Him

What happened?,   and   So much controversy!  Robin Williams helped a lot of people, brought laughter, and understanding, to a sad world.  There are plenty of good things to say about this man. I've been learning more about what he struggled with, and I realize that there are so many others, like him, that suffer in the same way Robin did, silently.  Last night I listened to an interesting radio show, called "Coast To Coast", broadcasted by the radio station KFBK, 1530 AM, from 10pm - 2am Pacific Time.  Dr. John Gray, Ph.D. was the guest, and he has a brilliant insight on natural remedies, for many diseases, that seem to be plaguing  a large number of people.  Among the topics discussed, they remembered Robin Williams, and the health issues he struggled with, daily.  Robin, wherever you are, this meme's for you, and I made it myself✌
And this one too:

Here is a sample of what Dr. John Gray, Ph.D. said, and wrote,  "... By reducing the oxidative stress that was causing my Parkinson’s disease, I inadvertently ended my ADHD. It was a surprise discovery...."  From "STAYING FOCUSED IN A HYPER WORLD" (BOOK 1), by Dr. John Gray, Ph.D.. and he's giving this ebook away  To learn more about what was discussed go to:

Thinking happy thoughts, and talking happy talk, may transform my mind - and my life. It's worth a try.

 Nice people, and good movies help me cope with an, otherwise, bad day.  I seek out positive, caring, and lovely people who look for the good, and use words to help.  Sometimes, a kind word is all it takes to turn a bad day around.    

A little encouragement goes a long way, give yourself a pep-talk, and decorate your space - to inspire you.


  Tonight my daughter, and I, went to a Christmas get-together, and there was great food there, and interesting people.  I haven't met many new people, face-to-face, since 2001.  The residual effects of a, traumatic, brain injury haunt me - to this day.  While I was trying to explain how I am a blogger, on the internet, and am responsible for any I.T. problems, what I was thinking and what I actually said, were 2 different things. What I said was, "I am the E.T. go-to person, and whenever there is a technical problem, I have to fix the technical problems myself."  (This explains why I am not a day-by-day blogger, if anyone has been wondering.)  Then, after that flying faux pas came out of my mouth, I stuttered and said,  " I-I-I, I mean - I'm the E.T. person".  After that, I kind of just cast my eyes down, and slowly said, "I mean - I.- T. per-son."  We left shortly after that, and  now, I'm thinking that I have a longer way to go - than I had, previously, thought.  

Holidays Have Changed For Me, Since I Moved Away From Phoenix

  Growing up in Phoenix, Arizona, I spent most of the Holidays with my Mother's, and my Father's, family.  My Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, and cousins, all came over, to my parent's house, because they had the most kids.  There were times that the Holiday parties were elsewhere, but  the holiday celebrations that I remember well, were those parties at home.  It took a great deal of work, but it was worth it.  I was the one who captured the most, on film, when I was younger, and I'm going to get  photos, and films, of the past, transferred to disks, but that will be something that will have to wait, at least until next year.  I moved away, in 1986, and now,  Holiday celebrations are small, my children, and I, have to work around tight schedules, whenever we plan to all get together, but I still take alot of  photos, and videos.  The problem that I face, is that I have to learn how to transfer, those captured moments, onto the computer, myself, and my computer is old, and the programs are out-of-date.  There are free, online, sites to help with editing, and scrapbooking,  but that is secondary to the day-to-day chores of everyday life, and sometimes the cable/internet just doesn't get paid.  When it comes to desktop publishing, online, my budget, is $0, and money is hard to come by.  Any money that I get, goes to rent, utilities,  food, and whatever the home, and family needs.  All of my online endeavors, are entrepreneurial,  but I'm told that my persistence will pay off, someday.

Free Learning, Online

All of the things that I have done, online, I have learned by doing by myself, for free, and with an old computer.  I may not see any kind of a profit, for awhile, and there may be some awkward moments, that will be online for all to see, but I'm learning at my own pace.  For more information on free online learning, visit:  1), 3)
4), 5) ,                            6)                                               7),                                8),                  10), 11), 12) 13), 14) AND  Also, to learn more about free learning, by means of acedemic auditing, visit:  >